
Things to Know About Myo-inositol as a Supplement



What Is Myo-inositol? 

Inositol, a secondary messenger of the body, is responsible for cell growth and is found in three different forms, Myo-inositol, D-chiro inositol, and Hexaphosphate. With research being sponsored by private pharmaceutical companies all around the world, buying Myo-inositol in Australia in the form of supplements is perfectly safe and is now construed as a way to choose a healthy lifestyle.

Initially misconstrued as Vitamin B8, it is actually a non-essential nutrient which means that your body organs such as the liver and kidneys naturally produce inositol. Inositol plays a key role in the metabolism of insulin that regulates our blood sugar level, ovulation, hormonal homeostasis, and mental health. 

What Are the Health Benefits of Using Myo-inositol as a Supplement?

A healthy concentration of inositol needs to be maintained in human cells. Apart from regulating insulin, these act as secondary messengers that help transmit neurotransmitters. 

Mental Health Issues

Research has found that the blood concentration of inositol is significantly low in patients suffering from mental health diseases like depression, anxiety, etc. Inositol is now under investigation in order to use it as an alternative to the traditional medicine system to cure mental health issues. 

Why researchers are obsessing over inositol is because it has fewer side effects. And if enough scientific backing is accumulated on this, it will be a wonderful breakthrough.

PolyCystic Ovarian Disorder (PCOS)

PCOS is a common menstrual disorder that affects 5-21% of women during their menstrual life. PCOS alters the hormonal balance in the body, causes insulin resistance, and affects ovulation. This inevitably messes with the entire menstrual cycle. 

Taking inositol supplements in a healthy dose every day can help you cure insulin resistance in the long term. This indirectly will help you restore hormonal homeostasis in the body. 

In a report posted by NCBI, according to the NIH criteria, the prevalence of PCOS in Australian women aged between 16-29 was 12% which amounts to 31 affected in every 254 women. Furthermore, the prevalence of self-reported PCOS was much less ( approximately 8%)

Blood Sugar Levels 

It will be a stretch if one claims that blood sugar levels will be restored to their normal range the moment you take an inositol pill. However, prolonged use of said supplements can really make a difference in your blood sugar levels. 

A combination of an isotope of inositol — known as D-chiro-inositol — and folic acid has been able to maintain a healthy level of insulin sensitivity. This particularly helps in maintaining lower blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. 

Did you know that within the span of 2017-18, 1.2 million Australians had type-2 diabetes in the National Health Survey conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). The prevalence of diabetes is much higher in Australian men than that of women. 


Mental health issues such as anxiety issue and depression problem are very common in Australia and affect one in five Australians aged 16-85. Studies across the world show an inherent cure for anxiety issues by using strong dosages of Myo-inositol. Explore one of these experiments to help us better understand its relevance in such mental health issues. 

A drug called fluvoxamine which is often prescribed by doctors for patients with anxiety issues was found to be less effective compared to a high dosage of inositol when administered to the same patients for a month. 

While some supplements available on the market require a doctor’s prescription since these must be taken in a healthy dosage, inositol, on the other hand, is water-soluble. So, if you accidentally take a high dose of the same, it induces no threat to your body and the amount of inositol that could not be processed by the body will be excreted by the body. 

If you want to buy Myo-inositol in Australia, be rest assured that it will not harm the body. Go get the supplements today and choose a healthy lifestyle from here on.

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