
Charlie Sheen’s Guide To Female Krav Maga

We don’t know if Charlie is sexist, this article doesn’t seem to be about that. However, if you’re a woman who likes krav maga this might be interesting.

Charlie Sheen’s Guide To Female Krav Maga

All around the world, women are learning Female Krav Maga to face a society that puts them in danger on a regular basis. But only recently has it been possible for these women to learn from an established martial art taught by men.

Charlie made this video to help women who want to learn Krav Maga. He also had this to say about the perspective of men on the topic of women learning krav maga: “I think it’s great. I think it’s awesome. I know a lot of guys are kind of afraid, you know because it’s all women, but I think that’s great. Because the guys are taking the back seat, let them drive for a couple of minutes.”

So there you have it, Charlie Sheen has made a video that he believes is helping women learn Krav Maga… which is exactly what we would expect from him.

As with everything he does, this is not just a ploy to get more women to watch his show.

He is being the best version of himself that he can be.

This is Charlie Sheen being Charlie… and letting everyone else figure out how they feel about it.

Like it or not, this is what Charlie Sheen does.

If you wanted to critique him, criticize him. If you want to lure women into watching his show, do that.

But Charlie isn’t an idiot, he doesn’t need this kind of feedback from the internet. He has already learned that his audience are people who are willing to follow him into whatever arenas he chooses to follow him into… and that is not a bad thing at all.

Charlie Sheen is a father. He isn’t going to put his kid into a ridiculous situation just because you don’t like him. And Charlie doesn’t need you to follow him onto a soapbox in order to get the attention he needs from the public.

How To Draw A Krav Maga Attack

In another video, he showed us how to draw Krav Maga hand-to-hand combat with a pen, and it was epic. In this video he shows how to make your own Krav Maga hand sign with a black marker… and it’s great too.

Charlie is willing to embarrass himself for his fans. That is why he does what he does.

He is not dumb. He gets it. He knows the value of exposing himself to the public, and he knows it is all about creating a sense of familiarity and trust with his audience.

Charlie Sheen has become one big “Trust Me” sign in front of his followers, and they will follow him anywhere. That is how they feel about him, and that’s great for Charlie Sheen and Krav Maga.

If you don’t like this video… then stop watching his show or reading his nonsense up on this blog! You do not need to be a fan in order to learn something from Charlie Sheen’s Krav Maga Guide For Women.

Charlie Sheen’s Krav Maga For Women: The Good

Sexism in martial arts is a problem that most people don’t want to acknowledge. Hopefully, this will encourage women to learn more about self-defense, and make them feel like they’ve got a lot of help behind them if they decide to take on the world. A class of all women is actually really helpful for this reason… mixed classes can sometimes be more competitive than anything else.

Charlie Sheen’s Krav Maga For Women: The Bad and the Ugly

Charlie Sheen has firmly planted himself in “The Internet Bad Boy” category, and that isn’t going away any time soon. His actions, his words, and his videos all put him there. It is going to be very hard for the average person to pretend that they don’t know who Charlie Sheen is when watching this video about krav maga for women.

All in all… it is a well-executed Youtube video that will probably help a lot of women learn more about self-defense. For the rest of us, it almost doesn’t matter what this was or wasn’t supposed to be about. This does not change our perspective on Charlie Sheen nor our opinion of him as an actor and person.

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